I emailed her and asked permission to share her post here on my blog as I know some of you will appreciate it as much as I did. Without further ado, here it is...
Reasons Why You Never Want to Make an Author Mad*
by Karina Cooper
Come on, you've seen us. We're all very lovely people, us authors. We smile at the cameras, sign books, hug fans, and so on. Surely, making an author mad must be akin to swatting at a dust bunny, right? I mean, what are we going to do? Cry into our keyboards?
Well. Sort of.
See, yesterday I found myself in the middle of a task that I do actually need for this current run of books I'm plotting. And as I scrolled through pages and pages of data, I thought to myself, Karina, it's a damn good thing your profession is what it is.
Because how else am I to explain why my internet history is full of information on modern day torture techniques?
That's right. Let's talk about reason number one: We know how make you scream. We've researched it down to the last details—certainly not for ourselves, oh, no, but what out characters know, we know. And if we're carrying around a character who is an inquisitor, or a character who was tortured, or worse, we know.
Would we use it? Oh, of course not, officer! We'd never use this information for evil. We're entertainers, not in the business of making the things we know actually happen. Right?
Heh. Heh heh. Right.
Reason number two to avoid making us angry? We know how to hide the body.
We've thoroughly researched it. Currents, erosion, garbage truck route
details, you name it, we know it. We're a little obsessive when it comes
to details, you might have noticed. After all, how else can we
guarantee that the extra we offed in chapter 4 doesn't come to light
until chapter 15?
The devil is, in fact, in the details.
And speaking of details, let's talk about reason number three: we know things about weapons even the movies get wrong.
In that obsession with details, we'll travel all over the information
highway to get the facts.
Which means we know what kind of weapons a
SEAL carries, we know which weapons jam underwater and which can fire in
below freezing temperatures. We know which bullets will turn your brain
into so much pink mist and which will leave a neat little exit wound,
and which sniper rifle will make this easy.

Oh, and I certainly don't mean we'd use these tidbits of terminal information on you!
I mean characters, of course! We know how to kill characters. As I
said, we're in the habit of making up stories, not in shaping reality.
Rest easy, dear reader.
Unless, of course, you'd like to make us mad...?
Which brings us to reason number four: Odds are, we have
fans in the police department. No joke! If it's not the boys in blue who
love us, it's the women. Or the wives. Regardless of who or how, the
reality is, we have people who would love to give us alibis.
Wouldn't any of you give me an alibi if I rang you up one
day? "Hey, listen, I'll make a character of your choice and thank you
in the acknowledgements if you just tell these nice people where I was
yesterday. You know, at your house. Watching Friends. And eating cheddar cheese."
Then there's reason number five: You remember school,
when there'd be this rumor going around about "that girl" who did this
one horribly embarrassing thing, and you knew—just knew—that everyone was talking about you?
Imagine having a character based on you. A character who reveals all your secrets—or makes them up. A character who is murdered in the most grisly way. Or a character who survives, but gets exactly what he or she deserves?
Yeah. In our worlds, baby, we're the gods. And we will talk about you in our godly land of godliness.
You don't want that, do you?
So there you are. Five very good reasons not to piss
off your favorite authors. Or even your not so favorite authors. They're
really logical, aren't they? I mean, can't you just see the gorgeous
Vicki Petersson cackling with glee as she comes up with creative ways to
use a coin slot machine and a pair of dice to off somebody?

Let's not discount Merrie Destefano, who knows all the
good places in New Orleans to hide a body, or Joss Ware, who knows
seventeen ways to dismember a man beyond recognition.
Juliana Stone
knows what kind of wounds look like animal attacks—"I have no idea,
officer, it looks like a jaguar attack to me."—and Pamela Palmer who is an engineer, and you know how devilishly clever engineers are. I wouldn't mess with her with a twenty-foot pole and a getaway driver on speed dial.
Ahhh, authors. So innocent, and yet...
* Note: This post is entirely tongue-in-cheek and not
actually a commentary on the likelihood of authors to commit heinous
crimes against real, living people. This is a joke. A post devoted to
the rather hilarious fact that we tend to research the most horrible
things in our bid to get it right.
Murder is bad, mmkay?
Karina's Bio: Born from the genetic mash-up of lesser royalty, storytellers,
wanderers, and dreamers, Karina Cooper was destined to be a creative
genius. As a child, she moved all over the country like some kind of
waifish blond gypsy and thrived in the new cultures her family settled
in. When she (finally) grew up, she skipped the whole genius part and
fell in love with writing because, really, who doesn't love making
things up for a living?
One part romance fanatic, one part total dork, and all imagination, she writes dark and sexy paranormal romance and historical urban fantasy. When she isn't writing, Karina is an airship captain's wife and Steampunk fashionista. She lives in the beautiful and rainy Pacific Northwest with a husband, four cats, two rabbits, the fantasy of a dog, and a passel of adopted gamer geeks.
One part romance fanatic, one part total dork, and all imagination, she writes dark and sexy paranormal romance and historical urban fantasy. When she isn't writing, Karina is an airship captain's wife and Steampunk fashionista. She lives in the beautiful and rainy Pacific Northwest with a husband, four cats, two rabbits, the fantasy of a dog, and a passel of adopted gamer geeks.
Oh Kylie
ReplyDeleteMy sides ache!!
I can so relate to this.
When one of my characters behave badly, it's usually because someone has seriously ticked me off that stirs me to give the character outrageous quirks and foibles.
And authors always have the handy little disclaimer....this is a work of fiction happenings exist only in author's imagination etc. Real Handy
Love this. "In our world, baby, we're the gods." Perfect.
ReplyDeletethanks for the laugh Kylie and Karina! I do sometimes worry about what would happen if my laptop were ever impounded and searched for internet history...
ReplyDeleteHehehe! Great post, ladies. Yes, Imelda, I'd go down big time if the authorities checked my computer. Poisons to put one in a conscious but immovable state; weapons an assassin would use, and how to; drugs to knock unconscious but leave no trace... The list is endless! ��
ReplyDeleteOh, this is gold. Thanks so much for the laugh.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post!!
ReplyDeleteSo very true! And funny :)