Debut author, Cathryn Brunet, always dreamed of being a writer until one day she decided to stop dreaming and just do it. For support, she joined Romance Writers of Australia and Romance Writers of New Zealand and now numerous books, two novellas, numerous short stories and competitions later, Cathryn has achieved her dream of being published.
Her debut book, RITUAL PASSION, published in December 2009 with Samhain, is an erotic fantasy romance novella, and is available as an e-book.
A passion to appease the gods...or call down their vengeance.
The jungle-wrapped city of Challas is dying, crumbling under the weight of its corrupt priesthood and degenerate new gods. But an even greater threat looms on the horizon. Outside the city walls, a pestilence breeds. Unless stopped, it will crawl through the city's decaying streets and destory everyone.
Phalandria wants to see her magnificent city reborn and freed from the perversion of the priests who murdered her father. And she wants Massilis, the man who has stood by her side since childhood. The man who's developed into a magnificent, jungle-hardened warrior...and ignites her unquenchable desire. Although Massilis has always protected her, only once has he allowed his hunger for her to show.
Now the water oracle has called for Phalandria and Massilis to perform the Concubitia, a sexual rite to propitiate the gods. But the priests suspect a conspiracy and will do anything to protect themselves. And Phalandria realises that the priests are not the only ones sabotaging the ritual.
The man she loves has an agenda of his own.
(Click on RITUAL PASSION for an excerpt.) The novella is available from all e-book retailers and as a Kindle download from Amazon.
Cathryn writes also contemporary love stories, erotic novellas and short stories and lives in regional New South Wales, Australia. She's visiting today to share more about herself and tell us what's next on her agenda.
Author name and/or given name: Cathryn Brunet
Published genre/s: Erotic romance
Favourite Childhood Toy: My horse! I was horse mad from birth and nagged my parents endlessly for one. I hung around with friends I knew had ponies, read a bazillion horse books (Walter Farley's The Black Stallion series was my favourite), demanded my father, brother, aunts, uncles anyone who could still bend over that they play horsey with me, and sighed wistfully each time I came in contact with anything even remotely equine. I still do, come to think of it.
My dream was granted when I was twelve. Misty, as I romantically but unoriginally named her, was a gorgeous bay mare with a white star on her forehead and a wonderfully sweet disposition. I was love at first whinny.
Incredibly, she only died a year or so ago, aged 30. That's a long life for a horse but then she always was one of a kind.
Wow, a horse fan! I thought you might have tossed in The Silver Brumby series or Black Beauty amongst your favourite books as a kid! I bet you DID read them ;-) !
Greatest Vice: Being miss Fussy Britches or, as my darling beloved so charmingly calls it, Feral Cheryl. I can be very anal about things, from house cleaning to writing, and tend to get a bit twitchy when they're not exactly as I want.
Ohh, I can identify with this character flaw, Cathryn! I'm a stickler for spring cleaning when I get in a mood. And heaven help anyone who calls in and interrupts me when I'm on a roll! I've GOT to get it all done then, not an hour or two later after the visitor has left.
Book/s You're Reading Now: To put me in the mood for my latest work in progress I'm reading a non-fiction book by journalist and documentary maker Michael Wood called In Search of the Dark Ages. I love his enthusiasm for history, people and places. He makes even the driest subject entertaining.
But I'm also reading The Amber Spyglass which is the final book in Phillip Pulman's His Dark Materials trilogy.
A place you've yet to see: Petra in Jordan. But that's just one of a very long list of destinations. I adore travel and don't do enough of it!
Author/s in your genre who you enjoy reading: Denise Rossetti*. She uses such rich language!
I totally agree with you, Cathryn. Denise is a fabulous writer, her books are so absorbing. I adore her world-building.
(*For those who aren't familiar with Denise Rossetti, she's one of RWOz's wonderful paranormal authors)

But RITUAL PASSION has definite strains of the film Apocalypto.
That was a good film, one I've watched several times now. What a great comparison to draw - it helps define the "flavour" of RITUAL PASSION and certainly gives it an exotic feel.
When developing a story who tends to appear first in your mind, the hero or heroine, and why? The hero. I always have a picture of him well before the heroine. I'll daydream about him for weeks and end up developing a bit of a crush. Sad, I know. :-)
Rats, I should have also asked what techniques you use when planning a book, Cathryn. Collage? Journalling? etc. I'm always fascinated by how authors "see" their characters/scenes/worlds.
Writing Milestone/s: I think finishing a book is always a great milestone. Mind you, selling one is too!

And I like the conflict in my ms, PUREHEART. The heroine is a creature of goodness and purity who, to defeat evil, is forced to join it only to discover she takes pleasure from the engagement. Whereas the hero is a violence-wrecked but utterly honourable soldier for whom doing the right thing means breaking all the principles he holds dear. Oh, and he's seriously sexy too!
They're great characters to write.
Ohh, PUREHEART sounds like another great story! The plot is intriguing but I feel for your characters! Torturing like that, shame on you ;-) ! I hope you're submitting it somewhere, Cathryn.
Thanks, so much for joining me today on my blog, Cathryn, it's been a hoot having you here!!!
Don't forget to visit her over at her website - you can find out more about Cathryn at www.cathrynbrunet.com
Hi Kylie. Thanks so much for having me on your blog.
ReplyDeleteTo answer your question about what techniques I use when planning a book, it varies from book to book but one thing is consistent - a notebook. The moment I have a story idea I start one, even if I don't plan to write it for some time. I fill it with all sorts of things from potential character names to scene drafts and newspaper and magazine cutouts. Anything to do with the novel will be in there. By the time I finish writing it's usually very tattered, stuffed full and held together with rubber bands.
And yes, I ADORED Black Beauty but never read The Silver Brumby (terrible, I know). My Friend Flicka was also a big favourite. But the Black Stallion series was the one that really did it for me. I couldn't get enough of those books.
Hi Cathryn! Thanks for answering yet another question! :-) Ahh, the ever present notebook - always handy.
ReplyDeleteI start with bits of paper all over the house then eventually combine the notes into an almanac in a workbook. A page for each character, names, environment/settings, plot points etc. Handy to refer back to if you're creating a series.
loved the interview Cathryn and Kylie!
ReplyDeleteI too was a horse fanatic as a child, and dreamed about owning one obsessively (luckily my neighbours kept horses in most areas we lived) I finally got my wish after strawberry picking gave me the funds to get one. And The Black Stallion was a definate fav book for me too =)
Oh, and I love your idea of putting together a notebook with pictures etc!
Ritual of Passion is on my TBR pile!!! (too many books)
Hi Mel, thanks for dropping by! I wonder how many horse fanatics we have out there in RWA/NZ? ;-)
ReplyDeleteHi Mel, thanks for visiting. Nice to see another horse person and The Black Stallion series fan. And I know what you mean about about TBR piles. Mine's huge and growing. I just can't seem to walk past bookshops.
ReplyDeleteKylie, there's bound to be plenty of horse people out there in romance land. Horses are inherently romantic animals!
...well, in my opinion.
Hi Kylie & Catheryn,
ReplyDeleteAnother great interview ladies. The "cover" for the book really grabs me. I just want the woman to move to her right a little more to see what else is there as the setting looks intriguing.
My favourite horse books were the Linda Graig series combining horses and mystery my second favourite reads.
Horses are still very much a favourite with many adults and children alike.I sell many pictures of horses that I have cut in wood. I agree it is the romance that grabs you. I still have a dream of travelling Australia in a gypsy styled wagon pulled by a beautiful clydsdale.
Hi, Robyn, I know where you can find a gypsy wagon, but as for the Clydesdale, hmm, you might have to find him yourself!
ReplyDeleteGreat interview, Kylie and Cathryn! I loved RITUAL PASSION, so steamy and sexy! And PUREHEART sounds fabulous! (we do love torturing our characters... heh heh!!)
ReplyDeleteGreat interview! And I thought I knew EVERYTHING about Cathryn already - lol!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the Linda Craig tip, Robyn. Sounds right up my alley. Two of my favourite genres/themes in one book? How could I go wrong!
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks so much for the comment on Ritual Passion's cover. I was so lucky with it. The colours are just perfect.
I hope you make your Australian horse dream come true soon. It's one I think we'd all love to do. Very romantic.
Hi, Christina and Rach. Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving comments. Lovely to see you here!
Hi Christina and Rachel! Great to see you both here.
ReplyDeleteCathryn's cover for RP is beautiful - the colours very eye-catching.
And Rachel, you have inside knowledge on Cathryn and you leave us without sharing something juicy? Shame on you! Surely you could have let one, tiny interesting tid-bit slip by. :-)
Ooh Kylie - I am ITCHING to tell - but my lips are SEALED!!!
ReplyDeleteKylie and Cathryn,
ReplyDeleteThanks for a great interview,
And I can't wait for Pureheart to be finished and published,
Rachel, would a bribe of chocolate loosen your lips? :-)
ReplyDeleteHey Sue, so good you could pop on over - glad you enjoyed the interview!
Hi Suzi. Great of you to drop by. I'm with you on Pureheart being published. I'd love it to be but first I have to finish it!
ReplyDeleteYou're being a naughty tease, Rach! ;-)
Great interview ladies. I must put Ritual Passion higher in my TBR stack. :)
ReplyDeleteHi Eleni. Thanks for dropping by. And don't worry, I understand TBR piles. I have books in mine I really want to read but they keep dropping down the list because they've been usurped by other books I've picked up. Nevermind. I'll get to them eventually.
ReplyDeleteTBR piles never get below a dozen! Guaranteed once they do you discover another book you just have to read and buy and the stack seems to multiply!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry Kylie - the house is already FULL of chocolate this time of year :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Kylie and Cathryn, I love hearing how other writer's work.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with Ritual Passion. I'll have to find a "How to on e-books" so I can buy and read it, I'm so computer ignorant.
Glad you're enjoying the guest author posts! It's always great to get insights from other writer's about writing, eh?