Charlie is also an award winning speech writer and published short story author. Today she enjoys writing romantic comedy screen plays and novels.
In her spare time, Charlie enjoys creative cooking and watching chick flicks. Her ultimate dream; to write a one woman stage play.
Charlie, thanks for joining me here today!
Name? Charlie Kramer.
Where do you live? I live in a seaside suburb in Melbourne. It’s a charming little suburb with period homes and so full of character. I love meandering around the streets and in the ambience or strolling along the waterfront. We’re also fortunate enough to have an array of great seaside restaurants.
How long have you been a member of Romance Writers of Australia? It’s a year now since I joined the Romance Writers of Australia. It really is a pleasure to be a part of something so great and in an environment where writers support writers with both their knowledge and their friendship.
I’m really looking forward to the conference in August where I can meet some of the members that I have gotten to know on line.
What genres do you write in? I write romantic comedy (novels and screenplays). I get a lot of pleasure out of writing rom coms because for me they deliver not only the love, but also the fun and laughter in the hero and heroine’s relationship along with the sticky moments.
I also dabble in the odd category romance and I would like to write a post world war II drama.
What’s your current writing project? I am currently rewriting and polishing two manuscripts. My romantic comedy CLARITY & CORSETS (Book 2 in the Quotable Women series) and BETRAYED a category romance that has been on the boil for quite a while now.
Have you entered any writing competitions? Have you found them to be helpful? In 2010 I entered the Page International Screen Writing Awards. I tend to enter my screen plays in contests rather than my novels. The feedback from the judges I find incredibly insightful and constructive. There is always something to learn and a different person’s view is always helpful.
Competitions also give a writer feedback from professionals they are unlikely to know. I consider that to be a bonus because they are fresh eyes on your work and have a different interest than readers.
Apple, PC, Longhand, other? I will have to admit to being a really big Toshiba Satellite laptop fan (I’m on my 3rd now). I write straight into the laptop but only after months of scribbling notes and getting to know my characters. If I decide to spend a day writing in a café, park or library I have a miniature laptop that fits right into my already bulging handbag.
I stopped editing on the laptop a couple of years ago. I have an overzealous internal editor who would just not stop editing as I was writing. So I started making a habit of only editing on printed copies of my manuscripts. I found peace.
Name your 5 top authors you like to meet, have lunch with and ask questions of about writing? Lynne Graham, D.D. Scott, JD Robb, James Patterson and Corrine Grant.
The first romance novel I read as a teenager was written by Lynne Graham. I’m a big fan even today and still read her books. She’s an amazing writer and her novels, whilst all category romances, differ and have such an emotional punch. Not to mention that her heroes are to die for.
I love romantic comedy because the genre combines the two things I love – romance and comedy. Not only do you get the emotional punch but you get the added bonus of some laughter mixed in with the love.
D.D. Scott is my favourite rom Com author and I have been fortunate enough to ask DD questions via email instead of lunch. It is such a thrill to communicate with authors I love.
I enjoy reading murder mysteries. JD Robb and James Patterson are the two authors I read in this genre. I find their stories compelling. The tension and pace of their books keep me turning page after page until I’ve reached the end and then I’m usually looking for more.
At a recent writers festival I attended a session on comedy writing. Corrine Grant was on the panel of three speakers that day. The discussion was lively and interactive. Fortunately I got a copy of Corrine’s memoir and thoroughly enjoyed the read. She’s jumped to #1 on my favourite Aussie author list. I’m praying Corrine’s writes another book or two or three...
Do you have a routine or things you do to keep motivated when writing?

Now that I write full time I maintain office hours.
I usually write Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm. LOL I’m rethinking my writing hours as I’m finding that marketing myself as an author is just as or if not more time consuming than writing a novel.
I have a sign on my desk that simply says “The only way to reach your goals is to never ever give up.”
Name one hobby you love doing and would be unlikely to ever give up - Mmm….writing pretty much tops the list here. I grow my own herbs and love cooking with the herbs I’ve grown and fresh produce. The other love of my life is going to the theatre and seeing a live production on stage.
And lastly, finish these statements...
The actor I would most like to see play one of my heroes is...Clive Owen.
My favourite childhood toy was... “Bierre” an inflatable blow up rabbit and a miniature organ with coloured keys.
The best thing about writing is...that I get to indulge in my passion every single day.
Two things I would pack if I were going to an isolated holiday destination - a sat. nav. because I am a terrible navigator and need GPS just to find my way around a shopping centre and Tony, my partner. LOL, Tony wouldn’t come unless I had packed the sat nav first.
Three goals I’ve set myself for this year:
• Self-publish two novels.
• Write two novels.
• Set up my author platform and blogs
Six months in and I have achieved all of my goals with the exception of self- publishing the second novel. My second novel will is scheduled for publication in December 2011.
Charlie has a website, her Charlie Kramer blog and Quotable Women blog and her Twitter tag is charliekramer36.
Hi Charlie, thanks for sharing your writing loves and journey. I got quite a few 'gems' for my own writing, like only editing on printed pages and treating your writing like a job. You've got a lot of passion and I'm sure that shows in your books,
ReplyDeletecheers Lia
Hi Charlie
ReplyDeleteGreat blog!
I must admit to having a soft spot for rom coms. And let's face it, most of us could no doubt admit to relationships with at least one or more 'funny bits' in them. I know I can!
I look forward to the release of your next wonderful book.
Hi Charlie,
ReplyDeleteGreat blog, lovely to get to know a little more about you and what makes you tick. Romantic Comedy was not a genre I ever read before, but now, of course, your novel is on my TBR list. Good luck with all your upcoming ventures.
Charlie, I loved reading about all your passions and favourite authors. The interview was very insightful and interesting.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea you grew your own herbs, or that you loved cooking.
Love your story about the sat nav. I'm much the same and get lost at the drop of a hat. LOL
Hi Charlie,
ReplyDeleteYou are one of the most passionate people I know when it comes to writing - and such an achiever. You put us all to shame with your monthly word counts! Loved learning more about you.
LOL on the sat. nav. :)
Kylie, thanks for having Charlie as your guest.
Hi Charlie,
ReplyDeleteLovely to see you here and read about what you've been up to.
The idea about keeping office hours is an interesting one - my dream is to write full time, but as someone who's worked in offices for 15 years, I'm used to that kind of structure. Glad to know I'm not the only one!
Keep up the good work with the self publishing and I can't wait to get my hands on the 2nd novel.
(Another Clive Owen fan - yum!)
Thank you for hosting me on your blog Kylie. And thank you everyone for your wonderful comments.
ReplyDeleteHappy writing