I know I'm in my own little world, but it's OK.
They know me here...


Sunday, September 12, 2010

"Red for Romance" (RWNZ Cocktail Party)

 A few photos to mark the RWNZ's "Red for Romance" cocktail party - what a great night it was!


  1. What a cool idea dressing to a colour instead of a theme! Looks like you all had a great time!

  2. The colour theme WAS a very versatile idea and I honestly believe that accounted for just about everyone coming dressed to match. :-)

  3. I like the colour idea too! Much easier.

    Thanks for all these piccies, Kylie. They're great. Looks like you had a wonderful time.

  4. Cath, if you get RWNZ's Heart to Heart I think you'll end up seeing more of these - Soraya requested I send her as many as I could of the conference and she was going to pick and choose what to put in.
