I know I'm in my own little world, but it's OK.
They know me here...


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Who's That Girl? interview with Tyree Connor

We're headed to the beautiful Waikato region in New Zealand (think LOTR Hobbiton-like country side) to grill...umm, my latest guest. 

Name? Tyree Connor.
Where do you live? In the North Waikato regions of New Zealand.
How long have you been a member of RWNZ? Since 2008.
What genre/s do you write in? Paranormal/Urban Fantasy and Medical (weird combination but it works for me lol).
What's your current writing project? A gladiator UF (urban fantasy) and a shapeshifter paranormal.
Have you entered any writing competitions? Yes. RWNZ and RWA comps.
Have you found them to be helpful? They're brilliant for straight-up feedback (both positive and negative). I've finalled in a few and placed first in a couple. The other bonus is if you make a final you tend to end up on an editor or agent desk. That's why I presently have a full paranormal ms under scrutiny at Berkley.
Apple, PC, longhand or other?  I use an Asus Eee PC - it fits in my handbag and goes everywhere.
Name your top 5 authors you like to meet, have lunch with and ask questions of about writing - Stephen King, Patricia Briggs, Cassandra Clare, Joanne Rowling, Christine Feehan.
Do you have any routines or things you do to keep motivated when writing? I keep up with writer blogs that inspire me and, if my typing is stilted, I get in the spa and think about my characters for an hour or more. If I could find a waterproof computer I'd be in heaven.
Name one hobby you love doing and would be unlikely to ever give up - RnR Dancing. I've competed, judged and coached nationally for over 20 years and dancing with my husband to a bluesy tune is the most romantic thing I know.
And lastly, finish these statements...
The actor I would most like to see play one of my heroes is
...Mr J Depp.
The beautiful Waikato region, NZ
My favourite childhood toy was...a tape deck (I'd tape all my sisters records and listen to them in my room for hours).
The best thing about writing is...foreshadowing that looks clever and; worst - cutting a scene I love.
Two things I would pack if I were going to an isolated holiday destination...books and computer (that was an easy question!)
Three goals I've set myself for this year...two completed single title ms, one completed HMB medical, six short stories - and FIND an agent.

Tyree, thanks for being here!
Anyone interested in finding out more about Tyree, visit her blogsite.


  1. Hi Tyree and Kylie!

    Yup. A waterproof computer for the bath. Should be a law.


  2. Hey Kylie and Tyree

    Tyree - what a beautiful and unusual name. Does it come form anywhere in particular and have a meaning?

    Congrats on your full sitting with Berkley and GOOD LUCK!!!!

    Bye 4 now

  3. Look at that gorgeous countryside, although the view of it from my window right now includes black clouds and rain:(
    Good luck with the all your writing projects.

  4. Hi Kylie - thanks for inviting me :)

    Gracie - I know! You'd think some brainy tycoon would've come up with them by now.

    Thanks for the best wishes, Tina. I have everything crossed :)

    Ooooh Cath, it is a bit black now - so much rain in the last month ... my bulls will be shapeshifting into Merbulls (now there's a thought!)

  5. Forgot to mention that my name is from the Isle of Tyree (or Tiree). Gotta love the Scottish and Irish heritage.

  6. Hey Tyree

    From Scottish Isles to the Land of Lord of the rings ...both places of myth,magic and cold weather - no wonder your a writer!

    Crossing everything for you too!

    Bye 4 now

  7. Hi Tyree and Kylie,

    good luck with your ms, love the idea of sitting in a spa for an hour *sigh*

  8. Hi Tyree and Kylie

    Great interview and good luck with your Ms.(Plural of course}

    A waterproof laptop...in Waihi we need one all the time never mind the spa bath.

  9. Hi, girls, thanks for dropping in and saying hi to Tyree. I've been a bit busy this week, so only now getting to comment on the posts.
