The ALLIANCE FORGED blog tour has officially started!
There will be giveaways and swag packs to win, so mark your diaries with the following dates! :-) Watch out for giveaways - ARC's, signed copies of the print version, Light Blade swag etc.
I'll also be running some newsletter subscriber only giveaways/swag specials - so watch for them too - the first went out with the June newsletter! (if you'd like to sign up, the form is here on the blog or the Home page of my website)
June 10th - My Book Chatter
June 14th - Mel Teshco's blog
June 18th - Helene Young's blog
June 21st - Sassy Book Lovers
June 24th - LoveCats DownUnder
June 27th - The Window Seat on a Rainy Day
June 28th - Get Lost in a Story blog
July 3rd - RELEASE DAY!!!
July 3rd - ARRA blog - Release Day post
July 3rd - The Reading Cafe
July 3rd - Tynga's Reviews
July 6th - Romance Bandits
July 10th - My Bookish Ways
July 14th-20th - Book Club Sisters
July 15th - The Qwillery
July 19th - Riverina Romantics
July 22nd - Riverina Romantics - Sunday Swag!
July 26th - Magical Musings
July 26th - Darkside DownUnder - Magic Thursday
August 1st - Down Under Divas
August 23rd - Totes Bags n Blogs
August 31st - Rabid Reads - Stomp & Romp month
Not only will I be tripping all over the cyber-countryside during my blog tour but I'll also be posting snippets and articles about the characters of ALLIANCE FORGED here - so keep your eye out for those!
If you can’t wait for them, the first chapter is up on my website.
And for residents in Dubbo and the central west of New South Wales, Australia, I'll be heading to The Book Connection for a book signing event. The date & details to follow! I can't wait!
Are you going to be joining me on my tour? Look forward to seeing you! :-)
Tour Time! Yay! You do fun book tours Kylie, I hope you enjoy this one too!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Lexi - I'm glad you enjoy the book tours! It's a challenge coming up with ideas for posts but I do enjoy writing them. And the interviews are fun too!